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Las celebridades no solo marcan tendencias en la alfombra roja, sino tambiΓ©n en su estilo cotidiano. Las sudaderas, antes consideradas como ropa deportiva, han sido adoptadas por las estrellas como una pieza de moda versΓ‘til y cΓ³moda. En este artΓ­culo, exploramos cΓ³mo las celebridades estΓ‘n incorporando sudaderas en su estilo diario y cΓ³mo puedes sacar inspiraciΓ³n de sus looks para tus propias combinaciones.

Although international fashion shows heralded a renaissance of sleek style three years ago, sweatshirts for both men and women are more fashionable than ever, ironic though it may sound. This is due to two factors: the new elegance fused with streetwear codes, making them and sneakers key to the city as part of the office look; circumstances have made them a must-have for entrepreneurs who now work (even partially) from home. In recent